Are There Any Exceptions to Distracted Driving Laws?

a private property sign

Distracted driving is strictly prohibited in California. There are several regulations meant to dissuade motorists from engaging in distracting activities while driving and to punish those who still decide to break the law.

While, in general, all motorists are prohibited from holding or using wireless devices while driving, there are a few exceptions to this rule.

What Are California’s Distracted Driving Laws?

In California, it is illegal for drivers to use a phone or another communication device while holding it in their hands. Drivers can only use these devices in a hands-free manner, such as via speakerphone or voice commands. Additionally, any driver under the age of 18 is prohibited from using a phone at all.

There are a couple of situations, however, when motorists are legally allowed to use handheld devices while driving, including:

  • When they are on their own private property, such as in a driveway
  • When they need to make an emergency phone call
  • If they are emergency personnel and must use wireless devices and navigation systems while driving

These distracted driving laws mostly account for the use of electronic devices while driving. However, motorists should not negate the dangers of participating in other activities while driving. Listening to loud music, eating and drinking, and more can all pose as serious a risk to driving safety as using smartphones and other devices.

Even if you were injured by a motorist who was not using a smartphone illegally while driving, it’s possible they were engaging in another, equally dangerous activity that means that they were distracted and not driving with due care.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a distracted driving crash, our Los Angeles trial attorneys can help you recover the compensation you deserve.

Call Beston International Law Firm at (929) 841-6928 to schedule a free consultation.